Consistency of gathering, great teaching, gorgeous music, and the incorporation of our children into the worship are hallmarks of our youth ministries.

Our children are precious in our sight. Christian Formation for children grades 1 through four begins with Children’s Worship at 9:15 a.m. in the Ann Walling Children’s Chapel. Godly Play is the Christian Formation curriculum we use for the younger members of the parish. The curriculum is based on storytelling and activities geared to illuminate the spirits and minds of our very youngest toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children. Classes for children and teens above grade 5 are tailored to their age level and begin in the Youth Room at 9:15 a.m.

Our older children participate at the altar as acolytes, lay readers and torch bearers. Saint David’s also has a paid professional nursery staff to care for our youngest (infants through kindergartners). These children join their parents and caregivers at the service just before communion.

Godly Play for Young Children

Grades 1 through 4: Godly Play

At Saint David’s, we use the Godly Play curriculum, created by Jerome Berryman, for our Children’s Christian Formation. Godly Play allows children to “play” with the language of God and God’s people through sacred stories, parables, liturgical actions and silence. The silence in particular gives time for children to “wonder” about the stories or how they are represented in small pieces of wood and felt. 

Without being given “Sunday School answers,” Godly Play invites children to make observations about God and God’s people out of their own experience. The space that is held and honored by adults and children alike allows children to become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives.


Grade 5 and above

(Details forthcoming)

Saint David’s youth are committed to help persons with diverse abilities. Many of our former youth attended Camp Able, a camp for kids and young adults with diverse abilities, and they raised money to help with scholarships for campers who may not have the funds to attend. 

Sunday Children’s Worship

Children’s Worship at Saint David’s is designed for, and open to, children Kindergarten through fourth grade. Each Sunday, during the academic year, Children’s Worship begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Ann Walling Children’s Chapel. The worship is child-friendly, and includes sharing, prayer, scripture and music. Worship lasts about 15 minutes, after which the children cross the hall into our Godly Play class. 


The nursery at Saint David’s provides a safe, nurturing, yet energizing and fun atmosphere for the children aged 6 weeks through kindergarten. Nursery hours are 10:15 a.m. to noon year-round. Our fully equipped nursery is staffed with trained caregivers assisted by church volunteers.

In addition, child care is provided on an “as needed” basis for other church functions and events during the year.

As one staff member once described the Saint David’s nursery through poetry:

“Saint David’s Nursery is the place to be;

Whether you’re 5, 3, or a new baby.

We have blocks, hopscotch, pots, pans and dishes.

But the kids really come for the basket of goldfishes.

And when the weather is nice all around,

We go outside to play on our new playground.

The children can swing, slide, climb and run.

Playing in the Nursery is just plain fun!

We dance and sing and play with lots of toys.

Sunday mornings are the best for all the girls and boys.”